dinsdag 13 januari 2015

ZA Performance/Installatie Oude Kerk 6 November 2004 Paul Donker Duyvis

ZA & Aki Performance / Installatie Oude Kerk by
Paul Donker Duyvis  Video 4:51 min.
a project about devotion, worship, meditation, and tolerance between cultures
Museumnacht 6 November 2004
Kimono Ladies: May Karasawa, Luna Kuroiwa, Yuki Nagashima, Aki Nakayashiro
Yu Shisawa, Nana Wakamiya
Meditation: Madelon Broekhuis

Photo: Thomas Lenden, Paul Donker Duyvis
Five hour Performance during Museumnacht
Part of Exhibition Salon de los Inmigrantes
Oude kerk Amsterdam 2004 Curator Dirk Jan Jager

Za (Zit), 2004
performance / dvd installatie
Tijdens 'Za' zitten enkele vrouwen in prachtige kimono's rond een lage Japanse tafel van kersenhout. Zij 'chanten' (spreekzingen) een zesregelige tekst uit de Lotus Sutra, een van de bekendste Boeddhistische teksten, geschreven door Boeddha zelf.
De repetitieve handeling en de doordringende toon zorgen ervoor dat de hersenen een amfetamine stof gaan produceren die alle waarschuwingssignalen van het lichaam uitschakelt. Dit verschijnsel, dat bij topsporters regelmatig voorkomt, kan ook bij de luisteraars optreden!

Za (Zit), 2004
performance / dvd installation
During the 'Za' performance some women in beautiful kimonos sit around a low Japanese cherry wood table. They chant a six-rule text from the Lotus Sutra, one of the most famous Buddhist texts, taught by the Buddha himself.
The repetitive handling and the drone of the chanting causes the brain to produce an amphetamine substance that dulls stress signals from the body. An effect that is regularly seen among top-athletes can happen to listeners too!


Salón de los Inmigrantes 2004
There is an impression of solidity and permanence to be seen and felt in the neighbourhood around the Oude Kerk, much of it due to that ancient building's presence.
Yet it is also the site of a remarkable micro-climate of immigration. Waves of women working as professional prostitutes have come and gone leading an existence as ritualised and defined as that of the church itself.
The stereotypical polarity of the spiritual and the physical is undermined by their swift transit, generating a palimpsest of prayer and passion, frustration and satisfaction.

Artists: Paul Donker Duyvis, Fendry Ekel, Simon Ferdinando, Hanneke De Feijter, Ni Haifeng, Mayumi Nakazaki, Noraset Vaisayakul
Curated by Dirk Jan Jager
6 - 20 Nov 2004
De Oude Kerk, Oudekerksplein 23, Amsterdam NL
www.dirkjanjager.nl/salon / www.oudekerk.nl

zaterdag 10 januari 2015

See No Evil Paul Donker Duyvis Performance 2012 Artisterium

See No Evil, Paul Donker Duyvis, Performance
at Opening Artisterium V, Karvasla / Caravan Serail
National History Museum Tiblisi, Georgia 8 October 1012
Say No Evil, See No Evil, Hear no Evil 2012
Cotton Project Aral Sea, Tiblisi 2012
Nine Dragon Heads Silk Road Nomadic Art Project 2012
Curator Magda Guruli & Park, Byoun-Uk Nine Dragon Heads

+ogether Paul Donker Duyvis - Performance 2009

+ogether (Tutti Fratelli)
Paul Donker Duyvis - Performance 2009
Opening Red Cross Center CheongJu 15-April 2009
Nine Dragon Heads Art & Performance Project
CheongJu S. Korea
curator: ByoungUk Park

Blue River Performance 2013

Blue River - Paul Donker Duyvis
Performance-3-9-2013, Gwangju, S.Korea

Panta Rhei (Primitivo) 2011

Panta Rhei
Sound Performance 16-10-2011
Paul Donker Du

Cyclus 1 (Primitivo)

PUSH Performance 2010 PDD

Performance Paul Donker Duyvis
RCdeRuimte 7-11-2010


Explicit / Explicito Performance

X stands for Explicit / Explicito
This word has many meanings.
For me it is an expression of
Freedom of Thought, Speak, Religion, Race, Sexuallty.
Freedom of Expression without Censorship
or Threat to hide the Truth ...

 Performance - X  Paul Donker Duyvis

Woodcut Poster Project for
VILA da BARCA, Belem 2006
and Solo Exhibition
Fotoativa ArtSpace, Belém, Brazil
photo: Renato Chalu / O Liberal 2006
Fotoativa Art Space, Belém, Brazil

Waar blijft de spuitbus ...

Waar blijft de spuitbus
om het vluchtig
moment van Geluk
voor altijd te fixeren


woensdag 1 oktober 2014

Sleep, Paul Donker Duyvis Performance 2007

Performance Sleep, 2007
Paul Donker Duyvis
(with Susanne Muller)
CheongJu Art Center, S. Korea
Nine Dragon Heads Art Projects
curator Park ByoungUk