zaterdag 2 februari 2008
Barricades Without Borders- New (Brave) World-XXIV INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO 7.2. - 21.3. 2008.
Barricades Without Borders- New (Brave) World
International Peace Center
The theme „Barricades Without Borders- New (Brave) World" opens up the question of dialogue between different generations which participated, each in their own way, in creating a new world while destroying the barricades between their dreams, their goals and the world which surrounds them and in which they live. Every generation is confronted with the same experience: that in front and behind them stand barricades without borders. The creation of a new world means life in a "brave world." Through the art of life, at the Festival we will explore the relationship between the generation of the second half of the twentieth century from the time of the student unrest in 1968 up to today. Through urban communication of artists, the general public, and historians with their contemporary problems/interests we will seek the key point of their encounter. The festival will be held within the framework of the year of European inter-cultural dialogue and in a special way will be linked to the encounters of Euro-Mediterranean creators. In accordance with tradition, the festival in its first week will mark the twenty-fourth anniversary of the fourteenth Winter Olympic Games, held in Sarajevo.
Tema „Barikade bez granica '68 - Novi (vrli) svijet" otvara pitanja dijaloga između različitih generacija koje su sudjelovale, svaka na svoj način, u stvaranju novog svijeta, rušeći barikade između njihovih snova, ciljeva i svijeta koji ih okružuje i u kojem žive. Svaka generacija suočava se sa iskustvom da su ispred i iza njih barikade bez granica. Stvaranje novog svijeta znači život u „vrlom svijetu". Odnos generacija iz druge polovine dvadesetog stoljeća od vremena studentskih nemira 1968. godine do danas istražujemo na Festivalu kroz umjetnost života. Kroz urbanu komunikaciju sa savremenim problemima/interesima umjetnika, publike i istoričara tragaćemo za ključnom tačkom njihovog susretanja. Festival će se realizovati u godini Evropskog interkulturalnog dijaloga i na poseban način će biti povezan sa Euromediteranskim susretima mladih . U skladu sa tradicijom Festival će u prvoj sedmici obilježiti dvadeset i četvrtu godišnjicu 14. zimskih olimpjskih igara.
Contemporary Art Exhibition “Encumbered” by Nine Dragon Heads Artists group - 6th~ 11th, FEB. 2008 - Sarajevo Turkish Culture Center
Participating Artists from Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Swiss, Holland, Hungary, Turkey. Poland, Bosnia...
Kam, Yeon Hee
Kim, Kwang Hoon
Kim Bo Ai
Kim, Su Jung
Pang, Hyo Sung
Shin, Yoo-La
Yoko Kajio
Mehmet Karvuku
Lisa Benson
Denizhan Ozer
Harold de Bree
Ursula Stalder
Biro Jozsef
Paul Donker Duyvis
...and others,
Nine Dragon Heads group makes an attempt
to leave better heritage to the future generations,
concerning the environment and
spirituality. Human beings have repeated
development with enormous domination and
control over environment. There is no doubt
that human beings are superior in all respects.
Thinking back to the past, many species on
Earth were exterminated because the friendly
environment which helped their birth changed
into hostile attitude. Human has regarded
nature as the target of challenge and conquest,
that is to say, as the subject of testing
mankind’s ability in the process of transforming
and possessing the nature. Ultimately, if
we are asked a question when the mankind will
disappear, we may answer “the day will not be
far distant.” No matter how peculiar people
may be, we must deeply realize that men are
also the product of appropriate environment
and the part of nature.
Director : Park Byoung Uk ( N.D.H ) - Curator : Pang Hyo Sung ( Korea) - Coordinator : Gordana Andelic ( Bosnia )
International Peace Center / International Festival Sarajevo «Sarajevo Winter»
Titova 9a/V
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
phone/fax 00387 33 207 945, 00387 33 207 948
Paul Donker Duyvis
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