zaterdag 10 januari 2015

Explicit / Explicito Performance

X stands for Explicit / Explicito
This word has many meanings.
For me it is an expression of
Freedom of Thought, Speak, Religion, Race, Sexuallty.
Freedom of Expression without Censorship
or Threat to hide the Truth ...

 Performance - X  Paul Donker Duyvis

Woodcut Poster Project for
VILA da BARCA, Belem 2006
and Solo Exhibition
Fotoativa ArtSpace, Belém, Brazil
photo: Renato Chalu / O Liberal 2006
Fotoativa Art Space, Belém, Brazil

Waar blijft de spuitbus ...

Waar blijft de spuitbus
om het vluchtig
moment van Geluk
voor altijd te fixeren


woensdag 1 oktober 2014

Sleep, Paul Donker Duyvis Performance 2007

Performance Sleep, 2007
Paul Donker Duyvis
(with Susanne Muller)
CheongJu Art Center, S. Korea
Nine Dragon Heads Art Projects
curator Park ByoungUk

Performance Nuclear Inspectors Harold de Bree Paul Donker Duyvis 2010

Performance Nuclear Inspectors
Busan, Haeundai Beach, 2010
Paul Donker Duyvis
Harold de Bree
Nine Dragon Heads Art Projects
curator Park, ByoungUk

woensdag 6 november 2013

Buy a Photo
of Paul Donker Duyvis

Koop mijn werk op dibond, canvas, poster of ingelijst

woensdag 24 april 2013

Kunst Redden in oorlogstijd

Kunst redden in Oorlogstijd
“UNESCO zet zich in voor de bescherming, het beheer en bewustwording van erfgoed. Dit doet zij via haar Conventies. Bovendien geeft UNESCO trainingen en ondersteunt zij de lokale bevolking. Toch kan het bij de bescherming van het erfgoed niet zonder de lokale bevolking. Met gevaar voor eigen leven en vaak buiten het zicht van de media brengen mensen in conflicten wereldwijd het erfgoed in veiligheid”.
Koosje Spitz, Nationale UNESCO Commissie

Datum: 18-04-2013 Auteur: Joanne de Jager

maandag 11 maart 2013

Press in 2000 about Video De Hand en de Hals - Paul Donker Duyvis

Paul Donker Duyvis - De Hand en de Hals (VideoStill)

Dutch Press in 2000 about Video De Hand en de Hals - Paul Donker Duyvis:

Mooie Vrouwen en Roze Zoet Gezang
T/m 27 augustus 27 augustus 2000
Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112 Amsterdam
di-vrij 12-18u, za-zo 12-17u

(fragment recensie Mooie Vrouwen en Roze Zoet Gezang)
De ontelbare tentoonstellingen in het kader van de vierhonderdjarige betrekkingen tussen Japan en Nederland hebben maar in weinig gevallen iets laten zien van een synthese van beide landen. Het is meestal Japan dat door een westerse bril wordt bekeken, met alle clichematige gevolgen vandien. De tentoonstellingsmakers Paul Donker Duyvis en Christine Sluysmans van Cos-Play in het Amsterdamse Arti et Amicitiae hebben in elk geval moeite gedaan deze gevolgen uit de weg te gaan. Hier hangt het werk van vijftien Nederlandse en Japanse kunstenaars door elkaar heen. In het Westen wonende Japannners reflecteren op de Japanse samenleving en in Japan wonende kunstenaars kijken naar het westen. Cos-Play is een samentrekking van costume-play, oftewel verkleedpartij. Kyupi Kyupi maakte vanuit Japan een parodie op de westerse videoclip, het reclamespotje en de film trailer. Veel roze, zoet gezang en mooie vrouwen, die overdreven articuleren, buitelen achter elkaar door het beeld. In de video van Mayumi Nakazaki uit het Westen speelt een westerse travestiet een dubbelrol. De Nederlandse blik op Japan reikt vaak niet verder dan de geijkte beelden van de oosterse cultuur, overspoeld met iconen uit de Westerse reclamewereld (de foto�s van Thom Hoffman), of seks. Het performance duo Zoot en Genant laat zich bevredigen door een inktvis, precies zoals, naar eigen zeggen, in mangastrips gebeurt.
Zo niet Paul Donker Duyvis. Hij maakte een prachtige video van een Japanse, die in vertraagde bewegingen speelt met de haren in haar nek. Op de achtergrond klinkt een bekend Japans lied. De alledaagsheid van het beeld overstijgt de grens tussen West en Oost.
Merel Bem - Volkskrant 2 augustus 2000

"Beautiful video of the hand from a Japanese woman playing with her hair in slow motion. On the background a traditional song from Okinawa. It surpasses the border between East and West":


The Flower of Balsam
(excerpt from a traditional song from Okinawa)

One dyes on one's fingernails.
The words of the beloved must dye in one's heart.
Ships sailing the night seas
take their bearings by the pole star.
One has but to study to master the name of the constellations.
But the lessons are not mastered by study alone.
Even gems and treasures will rust unless polished.
Polishing my spirit night and day,
I traverse this transient world.
When the sun rises , I shall go off to study.
Please plait my hair, my dear...

(fragment recensie 'Ondoorgrondelijk Japan daagt kunstenaars uit')
De video (de Hand en de Hals) van Paul Donker Duyvis is een verademing. Hij belicht een ander aspect van de Japanse samenleving. In zwartwit toont de Nederlander de rug van een vrouw in traditionele kleding. Met eindeloos geduld is zij de loshangende plukjes haar in haar nek tussen de rest van het opgestoken haar weg aan het werken. Zo nu en dan vang je nog net een glimp op van de ovale spiegel die de vrouw voor zich houdt. Telkens opnieuw zoekt haar hand naar naar nog andere loshangende onrechtmatigheden. Het lijkt soms een bijna dwangmatige handeling. Donker Duyvis laat hier op een subtiele manier iets zien van de traditionele Japanse Cultuur vol ondoorgrondelijke codes.
Sandra Spijkerman,
'Ondoorgrondelijk Japan daagt kunstenaars uit',
Trouw 19/08/2000

donderdag 7 maart 2013

Opera, Video Art from China and the Netherlands


Video Art from China and the Netherlands

One of the highlights of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing was a duet performed by a western tenor and a classical Chinese opera singer. The Video Exhibition Opera is a selection of Chinese and Dutch video makers, who have in common that they all have worked in each others country. They sing simular songs with different voices, intonations and nuances-about longing, based on collective and personel memories. How to adapt to this Global World, to keep your identity, values and traditions. And ... which ones? Opera is a special program compiled for the streaming Festival 2008.
SaE - Sino and Europe Cultural Interaction Foundation

Participating Artists
Liang Shuo
Wu Junyong
Zeng Tu
Tiong Ang
Sonja Wyss
Paul Donker Duyvis
Jerome Symons
Meiya Lin
Marnix Goossens
Zhifei Yang

Zeng Tu (Chong Qin)

Life is drunk,death is a dream

last place to here

last second to now

last breath to this...

last door and next one

is my drunk life and my dreamy death

in continuing continuing is the only way

to the end I exist by continuing...

No news is Good news
(00:5:34 min)



TV seriously,

people made it


Meiya Lin (Amsterdam / Xiamen)

The Times are Summoning 2007

(2:40 min / loop)

times are summoning" is personal memory from the artist's

By filming a bunch of kids who do the morning exercise
every single morning.

Presenting a matter of fact: strikt rules and
simply obey.

Conceptually it is a heavy issue to deal with.

there could only be one action, one thought after all.

But It happens
to the generation nowadays, a completely different, unusually light

In the video the
is taken out – no specific context anymore-

and and a cut loose
from any individual contact between the students.

Like in the video

the space lacks any reference to the

normal world and becomes a kind
of Nowhereland

Lost Paradise 2007 (
min / loop)

Paradise", the background sound is mainly the key word for this

which is based on a very popular communist song in China.

Singing for the beautiful flower and the nice blowing spring wind.

The tone of the song is bright and communistic cheering up.

general meaning is about how joyful to spend the time outside

in the
perfect communist society, and how bright our future will be.

Basically the artist chooses most of the elements that are
participating in the song for

the structure of this video. The
background was transferred artificially to create

one non-existing
environment in a nowhere space, a space of lost paradise.



Movie contains 3 real life episodes of the life of a Young man: in
his room waiting,

drinking, smoking, doing nothing and everything.
Fifteen minutes precise slow motion acting

reduced by high speed play
back to one minute normal movement. The second part is

a walk over
the local market and the third a close up of a meditative exercise in
making fire.

playing time 15 min.

Fifteen minutes behaviour 2007 (

Fifteen Colors (

Physical Material study (Lighter) 2006 (


(Animation 4 parts)

Junyong (HangZhou) makes hand drawn animations with simple
contrasting colors. Red is the dominant element. He depicts
complicated social and political behaviour in simple images.

a soft poetic view, but an ironical, raw, sharp and sometimes cynical

of the people around him. The play with the red flags
and banners is a direct political statement.

(Arnhem NL)

compact video's of Jerome Symons are often critical, always poetical.

sober means he handles subjects like elections in Beirut, Indian
workers in Dubai or,

here, women's protest in Tehran and the expansion of China.

all the video's explore the endless space of a short timeline (that's


2000 Guilin, China (00:01:56 min)

new territories outside the workers' paradise.

Silk Road 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Tehran (sound) (00:01:42)

to the brave ladies demonstrating on International Women’s Day.


Krähe“ (the crow) 2002, 00:07:00 min

„Die Krähe“ (the crow), Sonja Wyss lets a number of elements
interact with each other.

Images of a screaming girl, black crows
against a blue sky, and a snow-covered woodland

landscape are edited
together in slow-motion. With this sequence of images, fragments of
the song

of the same name (Die Krähe), from Schubert‘s
Winterreise, can be heard. This music reinforces

the heavily fraught
tone of doom and desire, the more so because the sound has been

and creaks and falters, as if the needle has got stuck on
the record.

atmosphere on this video is one of vagueness; suggestions of
innocence, violence, love and death,

intermingle and are played off
against each other. These are the snippets of a possible story,

there is no beginning and no end. It is as if we are in the girl‘s
own world,

where the laws of language and logic do not apply, but
where, as in a dream,

images and feelings mix freely with each other.

What she really feels is not defined, and ultimately remains a

Hoch-Zyte 2002 (00:06:00 min

("weddings", but also: "high times"), shows in a
dreamlike setting three women

and their fantasies and yearnings about
marriage. An 11 year old girl is knitting a weddingsavingsock

(Hochzeitssparstrumpf), and it is getting longer and longer, since a
wedding is not in sight.

She is dreaming and waiting for her prince,
but he is not coming, not yet. A woman, she could

be the girl's
mother, dreams about her wedding long ago. A young maid, she could be
just an illusion,

but could also be the bride, dances with a man in a
wedding dress through some scenes.

Pictures of the conscious are
mixed with symbols from the unconscious, parallel to reality

there is
a dream world, illogical and absurd. The goat, dead crows, eggs,
which are being bred

under a table, a dancing couple and a girl, who
is lying on the ground like sleeping beauty:

these are symbols, which
remind one of fairy tales and legends or ghostly dreams.

Janneke Albers, Andreas Scharfenberg, Lona Tulinski,
de Vries


Women Drinking 2008 (00:01:03 min)

the morning Pim Fortuyn was murdered in The Netherlands, I was having
a cup of

coffee in my friend Roelandt’s kitchen in his apartment
in Kunming. His wife Weili suffered

from eye problems and she was
drinking some herbal medicine from a bowl.

friend Diego took me to a rehearsal of an experimental theatre group
in East London.

I watched all actors having a good time, also during
lunch break, although they didn’t speak much.

Donker Duyvis

two video's form a diptych: an old serious woman slowly moving and
young girls full of laughter jumping around

Candles 2001 (Europe) (00:07:30 min)

generous woman, dressed in black, performs a daily ritual in a church.

does it with devoted gestures and creates a happy atmosphere

is always the only one in the church.

she disappears this friendly space will vanish with her...

Girls 1996 (china)

Story of an Encounter without Words about watching each other with

The beautiful music comes from a cassete given to me
by a traditional Singer living in Inner Mongolia.

I heard the woman
singing and I was moved. She saw it and gave me a cassete with her

A few days later these Guilin Children jumped upon me with a
generous smile.

I decided o combine these two precious gifts
to memorize these moments of communication without words.

Listning to
them still makes me feel good and than I wonder what happened to the
young girls

and the Mongolian woman singer. 


1999 (00:06:00 min)

space fully packed with transparant balloons filled with air.

the room through the window from outside give us a view of hundreds of frozen milky

Spaces within a space.

Then suddenly a hand comes with a sharp pin and lets the air free...


Untitled 2007 ( 00:04;20 min)

repetition of similar shots of a sleeping girl dressed in white.

in the camera shows an innocent young woman sleeping in a long white
dress on a

cushion and sheet. When the camera zoomes out the cushion is

and the background becomes more and more prosaic

dream 2007 (00:07;15 min)

white bed in a dark space.

sound around tells that we are outside in a garden or parc.

a white creature approaches through a long soft yellow tube and
climes in the bed.

noise of airplanes flying

Streaming Video Festival 2008



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God bestaat niet ...

Een compilatie uit het programma "God bestaat niet" met quotes van Dick Swaab, Andries van Dantzig, Hans Crombag, Carla Rus, Vincent Icke en Jaap van Heerden. ...

God bestaat niet - deel 1
God bestaat niet (Wikipedia) Zie ook deel 2, 3 en 4.