Schotland kent de ‘doedelzak’, Rusland de ‘balalaika’, maar Nederland heeft met het ‘carillon’ (ook wel de ‘beiaard’ genoemd) een karakteristiek muziekinstrument van eigen bodem.
Het carillon is dan een sfeerbepalend element tijdens een wandeling in een oud stadscentrum. Maar er is meer! Boudewijn Zwart is één van die beiaardiers die laat horen dat de mogelijkheden van het repertoire heel wat breder zijn dan het spelen van volksliedjes alleen en dat men op een carillon grote virtuositeit kan bereiken. Wist u dat er geen muziekinstrument op de wereld is waarop men zulke verschillende en verfijnde nuances kan laten horen als op de beiaard?
donderdag 11 oktober 2007
GIFT of the CRANE (Generosity) 2003 Video by Paul Donker Duyvis
Genereuze Maaltijd (Heaven and Hell) 15 min. Videoloop
Story about Heaven and Hell
Once there was a very honest and faithful monk , who had the chance to observe Heaven and Hell in his dream. First he walked towards Hell, where he could find a sumptuous room. In the middle of the room there was a big table, and on top of it there was an incredibly delicious banquet. Around this table there were people seated holding very long chopsticks. It is actually not bad at all to be in Hell, thought the monk with a little bit of envy.However as he could better observe, all the people who were seated around the banquet had very greedy eyes and were very skinny. The monk found it very strange because the delicious food was more than enough for all of them, so he decided to look closer.
They were all trying very hard to quickly get their food but the long chopsticks were difficulting the task, and even if they could manage to pick something, they could not get the food into their mouths, the chopsticks were again too long for that! And as if that was not enough, they were all trying to be the first to eat, so the chopsticks were hopelessly hitting each other into a big chaos and that brought them to a huge argument.That is why there was not one person who could get one peace of food into their mouth.
Finally the monk could understand their hungry gaze and their bony bodies.After leaving the room in Hell, the monk walked towards Heaven. And just like in Hell there was a sumptuous room with a round table in the middle. On top of the table there was also a delicious banquet and around it there were people seated with long chopsticks in their hands. However here, they were all smiling and looked quite healthy.As he could observe, they were using the long chopsticks to give food to the person seated at the opposite side. The one that was fed, feeling gratitude, picked some food to offer it back to the person near him.
They took care of each other. They could all wait for their turn and were all pleasantly satisfied.
Paul Donker Duyvis
(based upon a traditional Asian story)
Story about Heaven and Hell
Once there was a very honest and faithful monk , who had the chance to observe Heaven and Hell in his dream. First he walked towards Hell, where he could find a sumptuous room. In the middle of the room there was a big table, and on top of it there was an incredibly delicious banquet. Around this table there were people seated holding very long chopsticks. It is actually not bad at all to be in Hell, thought the monk with a little bit of envy.However as he could better observe, all the people who were seated around the banquet had very greedy eyes and were very skinny. The monk found it very strange because the delicious food was more than enough for all of them, so he decided to look closer.
They were all trying very hard to quickly get their food but the long chopsticks were difficulting the task, and even if they could manage to pick something, they could not get the food into their mouths, the chopsticks were again too long for that! And as if that was not enough, they were all trying to be the first to eat, so the chopsticks were hopelessly hitting each other into a big chaos and that brought them to a huge argument.That is why there was not one person who could get one peace of food into their mouth.
Finally the monk could understand their hungry gaze and their bony bodies.After leaving the room in Hell, the monk walked towards Heaven. And just like in Hell there was a sumptuous room with a round table in the middle. On top of the table there was also a delicious banquet and around it there were people seated with long chopsticks in their hands. However here, they were all smiling and looked quite healthy.As he could observe, they were using the long chopsticks to give food to the person seated at the opposite side. The one that was fed, feeling gratitude, picked some food to offer it back to the person near him.
They took care of each other. They could all wait for their turn and were all pleasantly satisfied.
Paul Donker Duyvis
(based upon a traditional Asian story)
Guilin Girls 1996 Video Movie . . . . . by Paul Donker Duyvis
Happy and Curious Chinese children
playing in the Guilin River
a Story of an Encounter without Words:
watching each orher with a curious and open mind.
The impresive music comes from a cassette given to me
by a traditional Singer from Inner Mongolia.
I heard the woman singing and I was moved.
She saw it and gave me an audiotape with some of her songs.
A few days later these Guilin Children jumped upon me with generous laughter and happy smiles.
I decided o combine these two precious gifts to memorize these moments without communication without words . . .
Listning to their voices still chear me up. I hope that the woman singer and the young girls they still are so happy and generous.
Paul Donker Duyvis
playing in the Guilin River
a Story of an Encounter without Words:
watching each orher with a curious and open mind.
The impresive music comes from a cassette given to me
by a traditional Singer from Inner Mongolia.
I heard the woman singing and I was moved.
She saw it and gave me an audiotape with some of her songs.
A few days later these Guilin Children jumped upon me with generous laughter and happy smiles.
I decided o combine these two precious gifts to memorize these moments without communication without words . . .
Listning to their voices still chear me up. I hope that the woman singer and the young girls they still are so happy and generous.
Paul Donker Duyvis
# Paul Donker Duyvis - Art, Photography, Videoworks -
woensdag 10 oktober 2007
Yi Jun 100 Years Memorial Day Den Haag 15 juli 2007 NOS Journaal TV
Koreaanse Rechter, Diplomaat en vrijheidsstrijder Yi Yun
vond 100 jaar geleden de dood in Den Haag op 15 juli 1907
Yi Jun Peace Museum
Het museum dankt zijn naam aan de diplomaat Yi Jun
die in zijn land Korea vocht voor vrede en vrijheid. Yi Jun kwam in 1907 naar Den Haag om deel te nemen aan de Tweede Internationale Vredesconferentie. Korea was in die tijd bezet door Japan en dat land wist de overige delegaties ervan te overtuigen dat Korea niet deel mocht nemen aan de conferentie. Yi Jun protesteerde en werd kort daarna, op 15 juli 1907, Dood (vermoord?) aangetroffen in Hotel de Jong - waarin nu het naar hem vernoemde museum is gevestigd. Hoe hij precies is gestorven is nog altijd een mysterie.
Yi Jun 100 Years Memorial Day Den Haag 15 july 2007
Het Yi yun Peace Musem is opgericht door de in Nederland woonachtige Koreaanse zakenman Kee Hang Lee en zijn vrouw Song Chang-Ju. Tot de collectie van het museum behoren onder andere een aantal brieven van wereldleiders als Mahatma Gandhi en Nelson Mandela.
Het Peace Museum is gevestigd in de Wagenstraat 124 te Den Haag in het voormalige Hotel, waar Yi Yun verbleef in 1907 tijdens zijn pogingen om aandacht te krijgen voor de Japanse bezetting van zijn land. In Nederland -dat zelf een Aziatisch land ( Indonesie) bezet hield- kreeg hij weinig gehoor. Naar verluid gaf alleen een journalist van de NRC gaf hem ruimte zijn verhaal te vertellen.
Yi Jun Peace Museum, Wagenstraat Den Haag NL.
Portret buste en monument voor Yi Yun op Begraafplaats Eik en Duinen te Den Haag.
Yi Jun werd begraven op Oud Eik en Duinen te Den Haag. Daar werd op 26 september 1963 zijn stoffelijk overschot opgegraven; het werd overgebracht naar Zuid-Korea en daar plechtig herbegraven.
Yi Jun (Bukcheong, 18 december 1859 – Den Haag, 14 juli 1907)link
Yi Jun: Een Koreaans drama in Den Haag 1907
NOS Journaal / National Dutch TV 14 july 2007
100 Years Yi Jun Memorial Day Den Haag
Nice Short Repotage!
Korean Performance Art: Sjamanistic Dadaistic:
Nine Dragon Heads International Artists
vond 100 jaar geleden de dood in Den Haag op 15 juli 1907
Yi Jun Peace Museum
Het museum dankt zijn naam aan de diplomaat Yi Jun
die in zijn land Korea vocht voor vrede en vrijheid. Yi Jun kwam in 1907 naar Den Haag om deel te nemen aan de Tweede Internationale Vredesconferentie. Korea was in die tijd bezet door Japan en dat land wist de overige delegaties ervan te overtuigen dat Korea niet deel mocht nemen aan de conferentie. Yi Jun protesteerde en werd kort daarna, op 15 juli 1907, Dood (vermoord?) aangetroffen in Hotel de Jong - waarin nu het naar hem vernoemde museum is gevestigd. Hoe hij precies is gestorven is nog altijd een mysterie.
Yi Jun 100 Years Memorial Day Den Haag 15 july 2007
Het Yi yun Peace Musem is opgericht door de in Nederland woonachtige Koreaanse zakenman Kee Hang Lee en zijn vrouw Song Chang-Ju. Tot de collectie van het museum behoren onder andere een aantal brieven van wereldleiders als Mahatma Gandhi en Nelson Mandela.
Het Peace Museum is gevestigd in de Wagenstraat 124 te Den Haag in het voormalige Hotel, waar Yi Yun verbleef in 1907 tijdens zijn pogingen om aandacht te krijgen voor de Japanse bezetting van zijn land. In Nederland -dat zelf een Aziatisch land ( Indonesie) bezet hield- kreeg hij weinig gehoor. Naar verluid gaf alleen een journalist van de NRC gaf hem ruimte zijn verhaal te vertellen.
Yi Jun Peace Museum, Wagenstraat Den Haag NL.
Portret buste en monument voor Yi Yun op Begraafplaats Eik en Duinen te Den Haag.
Yi Jun werd begraven op Oud Eik en Duinen te Den Haag. Daar werd op 26 september 1963 zijn stoffelijk overschot opgegraven; het werd overgebracht naar Zuid-Korea en daar plechtig herbegraven.
Yi Jun (Bukcheong, 18 december 1859 – Den Haag, 14 juli 1907)link
Yi Jun: Een Koreaans drama in Den Haag 1907
NOS Journaal / National Dutch TV 14 july 2007
100 Years Yi Jun Memorial Day Den Haag
Nice Short Repotage!
Korean Performance Art: Sjamanistic Dadaistic:
Nine Dragon Heads International Artists
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